Friday, March 11, 2011

Spring Forward

This weekend is nighttime losing. Formally, called daylight savings which doesn't make sense so I renamed it. Get ready, clocks change at 2:00am Sunday so don't be late for church.

To celebrate let me suggest some other not fun activities that should be done at least twice a year:

Scrub your bathtub
Visit your in-laws
Clean your wash machines
Buy a new bra or swim suit
Change your security passwords
Get a new toothbrush
Change batteries in fire alarm
Put more windshield wiper stuff in your car
Sort your tupperware drawer

1 comment:

  1. At least in the spring....the kids go from getting up at 5:30 am to 6:30am. :)
    bonus! Now it will just "feel" a bit later. And it will be light that helps me!
    and...I have NEVER cleaned my washing machine. Is that bad?
    Kaden sorts my tupperware drawer every day. check.
